Howdy readers,
First of all, Happy 2012! We wish you and your loved ones all the best, personally and professionally.
2011 was an amazing year for us in Lingua Greca. Our new website and blog, plus the social networks we use, gave us the opportunity to make many wonderful new friends. We haven’t come up with any resolutions or plans for 2012 yet, we’re still trying to recover from a long holiday break from work and the Internet. That’s also the reason why we didn’t publish any posts in the past month, except from the Weekly Favorites posts. We’ll be back from next week though, so stay tuned.
I always like reading other bloggers’ yearly reviews, so I was looking forward to ours, even though our blog is still a 6-month old ‘baby’. These are the main data from the report (with a few comments from me in italics), you can find the full report here.
Crunchy numbers
The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 11,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.
In 2011, there were 38 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 39 posts.
The busiest day of the year was October 13th with 276 views. The most popular post that day was Getting started with Twitter – A translator’s journey.
I still don’t get why this was the most popular post, as it doesn’t contain many tips or useful stuff as some of the other posts we’ve written. My only guess is that maybe the people I already knew from Twitter were expecting me to write something about it, because I’m (supposedly) good at using it? Who knows…
How did they find this blog?
The top referring sites in 2011 were:
- (♥♥♥ to Jill)
Some visitors came searching, mostly for welcome, translation, adventures in freelance translation, welcome images, and lingua greca blog.
I think it’s funny that the welcome mat image on my first post brought so much of the overall traffic, that was unexpected as well. Overall, the long list of search words I can see in the Stats looks good though, most of them have something to do with translation, so I guess we’re on the right track.
Where did they come from?
Most visitors came from The United States. The United Kingdom & Spain were not far behind.
Who were they?
Your most commented on post in 2011 was Why I Use Twitter – and Why You Should Too
These were your 5 most active commenters:
- 1
Georgia Efraimidou (@gefraimidou) 2 comments
- 2
Sharon -Park Ride Fly USA 1 comment
- 3
Shakirah Dawud 1 comment
- 4
Sylvie 1 comment
- 5
Hesham 1 comment
Many thanks to everybody who commented in our blog, much appreciated!
Attractions in 2011
These are the posts that got the most views in 2011.
- 1 Getting started with Twitter – A translator’s journey 1 comment October 2011
- 2 Why I Use Twitter – and Why You Should Too 15 comments November 2011
- 3 10 Things to Do Before Attending a Conference 2 comments October 2011
- 4 Dealing With Freelancing Famine 7 comments August 2011
- 5 PC to Mac Migration: A translator’s experience – Part I 1 comment September 2011
Feedback on how to make this blog better is always welcome and appreciated. Thank you again for visiting and reading!
Wow, Catherine and Christos! What amazing strides you’ve made with your “baby” in only six months. Congratulations and I wish you much more success in 2012! You share so much with the translation community and I thank you for you that. 😉
Thank you so much for your kind words Lisa, we’re very proud of our little blog 🙂 Have a great weekend!