The purpose of this post is to provide a background for an upcoming webinar I’m hosting entitled Change of role – Transformation from employee to freelancer (in English and German, see more info at the end of the post). I served as an employee for over 21 years. I had the chance to get an insight of being a freelancer while working as a part-time freelance translator from 2008-2011 (besides being an employee). But when I really started my freelance career last year, I faced the truth that there are plenty of things I still have to learn.
The thought behind my webinar is to provide a basic background of what becoming a freelancer entails. I will talk about the disadvantages and advantages, the consequences, and how to get started. At the second part of the webinar, I will share many examples. The webinar contains information that I gained attending many webinars, courses, and discovered while working.
Course Structure and Details:
After attending the course, you will learn and internalize issues like
- The advantages and disadvantages of being a Freelancer – Freedom and responsibility
- How to live a life of irregular income rather than secured salary
- How to acquire first set of clients and build up on that
- How to plan and manage time and finance
- How to be a CEO
- How to enjoy life with your new found freedom
- How to diversify into other areas
- How to make a reputation in the market and be rewarded for it
I am fully aware that there will be some attendees who will say: I hoped to get more information. The trouble is that the subject itself is so complex and that millions of varieties are possible just as millions of people have to go different ways to make this transformation happen. We all have different backgrounds, work experience, and a way to work, live and learn. Everyone has to find his or her own way to become a freelancer.
Many of the webinars I attended have been held by Pritam Bhattacharyya at Proz.com. I always like his ability to motivate while providing information on the many different tasks a freelancer, and therefore a business owner, has to deal with.
When I heard that Pritam founded Wordsmith University I knew right away that I wanted to join him in order to help other freelancers or freelancers-in-the-wings (as he calls it so nicely). The mission of Wordsmith University is to enrich and empower freelancers and freelancers-in-the-wings everywhere – in cubicles, in work spaces more commonly called home or in classrooms. It is also my mission to pass on my knowledge to make it easier for others.
If you wonder who Pritam is, I can tell you that he was also an employee and had to go through this transformation. In 2006, he founded Wordsmith Communication which grew to cover almost all languages of the world with the mission statement: best cost/quality ratio in services and to become the most-loved company among freelancers. For the last seven years, Pritam has worked as a digital publisher and print-on-demand printer (www.pentasect.com) and an online teacher on Freelancer Business Development.
He has been one of the most-active teachers in www.proz.com and has students literally in every part of the world. He has taught some 1000+ freelancers online and you can see some 100+ students’ feedback on his courses.
As for Wordsmith University: it is an Online Teaching and Learning Environment for Freelance Translators in specific and freelancers in general. Wordsmith University was conceived when Wordsmith Communication declared its two eternal business values.
Market was created for Society and not vice-versa.
We invest more money, attention and care on our freelancer colleagues rather than only on process and technology.
Click on the links below to find out more about my webinars, which are both free to attend:
English Webinar – Friday, June 29th, 2012 at 2PM CEST
German Webinar – Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 at 2 PM CEST
Author bio:
Born and living in Frankfurt am Main/Germany. I gained over 21 years work experience as an examined bilingual secretary for international operating companies such as ANZ Bank, Oppenhoff & Rädler (Lawyers), KPMG, and as a project assistant for AT&T and Lufthansa Systems. In 2008 I started to work as a part-time freelance translator and increased my knowledge about the translation business. In 2011 I founded my own company, Désirée Lydia Staude APA-Dienstleistungen, to work as a freelance translator and enjoy a diversified work life.
Dear Catherine, i’m a bit confused: this webinar is indicated to be held today 29.06.2012; following the link http://www.wordsmithuniversity.com/change-of-roles-transformation-from-employee-to-freelancer/ – it is stated as 27th June 2012 Wednesday; however, my today’s registration was accepted. generally, after registration additional tech details are forwarded to the indicated (my) email address. having received none, i don’t understand, what’s wrong. will appreciate your reply & best, helen
Hello Helen,
They moved the date to two days ago (June 27th), the webinar was held then.
If you want, you can contact Désirée and ask if she has any similar webinars planned soon.
As for your registration getting accepted for today, that might be a software glitch, you can contact the site administrator and ask them.