Cologne, Germany, December 4, 2013: Linguee.com is the website of choice for more than 1 million users every day* who are trying to find a translation of foreign words and expressions. Linguee’s bilingual dictionary and translation search engine has been available for English and German, French, Spanish, Portuguese for several years now. Today, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Italian, and Dutch were added.
English has become a global language, and an ever-growing number of non-native speakers are facing the challenge of writing texts in correct English. To them, traditional bilingual dictionaries are of limited use: they contain very few entries and list the translations without providing any context details.
Linguee’s new, unique search technology uses a different approach: when a user enters a search term, the search engine goes through millions of translated sentences within just a fraction of a second. This way, even word combinations and phrases such as “speedy recovery” yield results. The results contain both the search term and its translation(s) in context, i.e. in complete sentences. Linguee’s search engine provides easy access to all possible translations, speeding up the search for the best-matching translation.
The Linguee technology automatically evaluates all bilingual documents that are available online and provides the search engine to browse these translations.
Adding new languages is another step towards the internationalization of Linguee, and with the language array we offer today, we cover the mother tongues of more than 78% of all internet users worldwide**, says Dr. Gereon Frahling, founder and CEO of the German company. To set up the new language pairs, we let our server farms run for months and invested in additional technical infrastructure. With the additional languages, we also grow as a company with new language experts joining the Linguee Team.
*Top 25 of all German websites, “IVW-Reichweitenmessung” (reach measurement via IVW, Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e.V.), September 2013
** Source: internetworldstats.com, Top Ten Languages Used in the Web
About Linguee
Linguee helps with translations and writing texts in foreign languages. Based on its new technology, Linguee provides a bilingual online dictionary and a search engine for translations, thereby allowing for the user to browse hundreds of millions of manually translated example sentences (which were mainly generated from indexing bilingual websites). Contrary to traditional bilingual online dictionaries, Linguee’s index contains approximately 1,000 times more bilingual texts so that every entry can be displayed in various contexts. Linguee was founded by the former Google post-doctorate Dr. Gereon Frahling and Leonard Fink, and has answered a total of more than 1 billion search requests.
Further details on Linguee are available at www.linguee.com/press.