Every week (or few weeks) we share on Twitter many interesting blog posts and online articles about translation (including Greek translation), localization, interpreting, languages, as well as marketing, business and social media.
If you missed any of the great content we shared last week, here is your chance to catch up!
The links are listed in categories and organized by subject matter. Scroll down to find your favorite and enjoy reading! Click here for Translation Favorites from previous weeks.
If you’ve read a fabulous post and would like to share, let us know in the Comments section or email us at info@linguagreca.com so we can add your links to next week’s list.
Translation, Localization, Languages
How the Right Content Strategy Can Build Your Brand on a Global Scale
Translation Confessional Podcast ― S01E47: Translating for the IT Industry
A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey: Crash Course Literature 201
What is international SEO and how does it play into the translation process?
[Research] Freelance translator survey 2020: Key findings & demographics
LinkedIn Centralized Localization Tool :: IMUG 2020.10.15 – YouTube
Gender bias in the localization industry | How to break the glass ceiling
English Editing in Quebec: Linguistic Interference During COVID-19
Unpacking the Contentious Matter of Testing Freelance Translators
Farewell to 2020 and welcome 2021 from Women in Localization
Dirty Amazon, Accessible Writing, Deciphering Lost Languages
Continuous localization 101: what it is and when it makes sense
LSP fundamentals: Grow your audience with content marketing
Michael Emmerich: Wisely navigating the levels of translation
Looking for New Global Markets? Bigger Isn’t Always Better
ATA Introduces Six New Awards at ATA61! | The Chronicle
Our Extremely Diverse (Translation) World | The Chronicle
Separated by a Common Language: Unused epigraphs
The Genius of Spelling Bee – The New York Times
Women and Machine Translation | The Chronicle
Localization in UX: way beyond text translation
Building Airbnb’s Internationalization Platform
How to concatenate localized strings mindfully
The Evolving Translator-Computer Interface
5 things you didn’t know you should localize
The Intelligence Revolution in localization
i18n and L10n: List of developer tutorials
Humor and Translation — Groaners
Greek translation and language
Στη Γενεύη, η μικρή επανάσταση των επαγγελμάτων της μετάφρασης | LiFO
Blogging, Social media
How to Use Boolean Search to Prospect More Effectively on LinkedIn
LinkedIn Lead Generation: How To Get Leads And Boost Revenue
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Marketers and Copywriters
15 Great Copywriting Examples from 8 Creators
World Reading Habits in 2020 [Infographic]
Content Rookie: What is technical writing?
Business, Marketing, Writing
How to Make Prospect Conversations Easier (and Land More Clients) with the ‘Selling Staircase’
How to Write Clear and Professional Emails
10 things you need to check on your website
Tech and other interesting posts
The UX Collective Newsletter: A weekly, ad-free newsletter that helps designers stay in the know
Research has linked the brain’s elastic sense of time to expectations, among other factors
Winners of 2020 International Landscape Photographer of the Year Contest
How to blow your own horn, without embarrassment or apology
Dropbox: Drew Houston: How I Built This with Guy Raz: NPR
How to Look at Olafur Eliasson’s The Weather Project
Liked Humor and Translation – Groaners. Especially “toute suite: a French candy whistle.” Needed that. Thanks.
I liked that post, too! My favorites:
This coffee tastes like mud. It was recently ground.; and
A little more than kin and less than kind.