Every week (or few weeks) we share on Twitter many interesting blog posts and online articles about translation (including Greek translation), localization, interpreting, languages, as well as marketing, business and social media.
If you missed any of the great content we shared last week, here is your chance to catch up!
The links are listed in categories and organized by subject matter. Scroll down to find your favorite and enjoy reading! Click here for Translation Favorites from previous weeks.
If you’ve read a fabulous post and would like to share, let us know in the Comments section or email us at info@linguagreca.com so we can add your links to next week’s list.
Translation, Localization, Languages
How to develop a successful Content Localization Strategy to help drive your company’s growth
Lindie Botes – App Design for the World: Considering Languages, Scripts and Digital Literacy
The Greeks had a word for it … until now, as language is deluged by English terms
Boundaries and sticky situations: a joint episode with Smart Habits for Translators
How Does Skyscanner Do Localization? A Nimdzi Lesson in Localization
Leading Internationalization, feat. Melanie Heighway of Atlassian
Continuous Localization: Faster Processes and Quicker Release
Volume of Translation Work is Not Supposed to Be a Problem
How to Develop Software with Localization in Mind in 2021
Why Localization Velocity Matters More Than Ever Before
Here’s How 6 Major LSP Client Segments Use Data for AI
Review: The Language Lover’s Puzzle Book, Alex Bellos
Computational Linguistics: Crash Course Linguistics #15
Why Software Localization Is Worth Your Investment
How many languages should your website support?
Localized vs. Native Language Marketing Content
W.L. Mentorship Program invites new mentors
Expanding a Business Internationally in 2021
#LocFromHome III: What’s in, and why join
How to localize SwiftUI elements in Xcode
Book Review: Never Split the Difference
‘Useful Links’ Update – January 2021
Interview with author Nazanine Hozar
SwiftUI Tutorial on Localization
Greek translation and language
Βασίλης Αλεξάκης, Μια γλώσσα για να γελάω και μια γλώσσα για να κλαίω
Business, Marketing, Social media, Writing
The best virtual events for Toronto entrepreneurs this February
[Ditching Hourly] Emily Omier – Finding Clients On LinkedIn
Unlock your Profile Leads with these 25 Strategic Points
Tech and other interesting posts
The Blue Hour: A Stunning Illustrated Celebration of Nature’s Rarest Color
Found: A Nazi ‘Enigma’ Machine at the Bottom of a Bay
Liked your link to the article “The Greeks had a word for it … until now, as language is deluged by English terms.” The Germans have so much English in their language they refer to it as “New German.”
It’s comforting to know Greek isn’t the only one 😉