The Sverdlin Institute for Latin American History and Culture, Tel Aviv University
Cervantes Institute
Diploma Studies for Translation and Revision, Tel Aviv University
International Conference on
December 15-16, 2013
Tel-Aviv University, Cervantes Institute
Translations are haunted by voices: the author’s, the narrator’s, the characters’, the translator’s , the editor’s, the publisher’s as well as the implied, the original, the unheard, the ululant. And, of course, the voice of the reader. Recent research in Translation Studies has explored the notion of voice and the ways in which it can be applied to translation practice and ethics. How is voice translated from one linguistic and socio-cultural tradition to another? Can we (should we) always hear the voice of the translator? What about the interpreter – do we (should we) hear his voice?
This colloquium focuses on the challenges involved in the translation mainly, but not only of Spanish and Hebrew voices. It wishes to reflect on the questions and obstacles faced by translators, especially those of Spanish and Hebrew texts, in transferring the different social, psychological, political and cultural contexts of distinct voices. What deformations, innovations or transformation result from these inter-linguistic and cultural crossings between different languages? Moreover, since ethics has so often been associated with the voice – the voice of consciousness, the voice of reason – what are the specific ethical challenges in translating Spanish and Hebrew voices across cultural borders?
Papers are invited on such topics as:
– The linguistic and psycho-linguistic constraints of translating voice
– The role of authorial and editorial voices in the translation process
– The ethics of voice and translation
– The voice of the `invisible’ translator
– The voice or no-voice of the interpreter
– The voice in community translation/interpretation
– The voices of the translator: one translator, many authors
– Translation challenges of intra-textual voices
– Gendering voices in translation
– Voice, translation and dramatic texts
– Translation as performance
– Poets translating poetry
– The political dimension of translated voices
– The inner censor
Please submit proposals (Spanish, Hebrew, English) by 23 November 2013 to: institut@post.tau.ac.il
The details for this conference were kindly provided to us by Christine Walsh.