ATA’s 54th annual conference was the highlight of our year. Not only because it’s the best and biggest conference for translators and interpreters. This year we had the honor to present as well, 3 presentations for yours truly and 1 for Christos. This time last week, it was almost time for me to give my second presentation, the whole thing was surreal and I still can’t believe what happened, what an amazing time we had, the lovely friends, people we knew from social networks and new people we met!
A huge thank you again to everybody who attended our presentations. We hope you enjoyed them and learned a few new things about feast and famine for freelancers, social media, finding new clients and gambling translation. As promised, here are the slides of our presentations in PDF format.
Feast and Famine for Freelance Translators
Social Media For Translators
How to Use Social Media & Blogging to Find New Clients
Going all-in
Feel free to email us if you have any questions about our slides or the topics of our presentations.
Related links to remember the good times or see what you missed!
Great summary of #ata54 and related videos, tweets, photos, etc.
54th Annual ATA Conference – San Antonio Highlights
These are some of the tweets that were sent during our presentations, thank you again amazing tweeps for your brilliant live-tweeting!!
- #ata54 @LinguaGreca The fan base is growing! GREAT session! Be upset if you missed it! http://t.co/XusHVnWdyr by @SanneLeGier
- Did @LinguaGreca mention she has almost 4000 Twitter followers? Not a bad credential for credibility! #ata54 by @localizing
- ‘Don’t do on Twitter’ by @LinguaGreca Excellent presentation!
#ata54 pic.twitter.com/i1U2byo3A2 by @Elena_Alcalde - Excellent mantra for marketing. “Social Media for Translators” by
@LinguaGreca#ata54 pic.twitter.com/cotZscAfB1 by @palabrastowords - Here is @LinguaGreca in action at #ata54, sharing on social media and blogging for finding new clients http://t.co/nmxM91VUcf by @hbehl
- Kicking off the Feast & Famine for Translators session by @LinguaGreca #ATA54 🙂 http://t.co/pG0Qg61ERt by @translationbyme
- This the kick I needed to get my social media in gear! @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @maytemillares
- Time is money for freelancers. Make the most of it! @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @MarcelaJenney
- Main goal of a translator! #ata54 @LinguaGreca http://t.co/uawXqQaOGo by @SJ_translations
- Back home from #ata54 with the fabulous oregano from @LinguaGreca and @ChrisFloros http://t.co/kvJG0QKXtU by @ebodeux
- #ata54 @ChrisFloros: Based on global gambling forecasts, market is expanding, go all-in & specialize in gambling #xl8 http://t.co/dEPBHpMNWk
- #ata54 Do not write “sales blogs”. Use them as educational tool! @LinguaGreca by @SanneLeGier
- “You should never stop marketing, especially during feasts… so you don’t have moments of famine.” @LinguaGreca #ATA54 by @translationbyme
- What not to do while using social media for business purposes. Great tips! @LinguaGreca #ata54 #xl8 #SanAntonioTexas http://t.co/X7t2ddxWcK by @carolinabisson1
- #ata54 @LinguaGreca When you blog be current, relevant and be yourself. by @damicotransl
- LinkedIn: make your profile easy to find, add STRONG keywords to title & summary #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- LinkedIn: join linguist groups & groups in which you are likely to find clients #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- @LinguaGreca Thanks for such an encouraging & informative presentation about #socialmedia #ata54 by @localizing
- Great session on Social Media and Blogging! A lot of useful and encouraging tips! @LinguaGreca thank you very much! #ata54 by @ppatchenc
- @LinguaGreca Nice job with your presentation. Lots of good advice. #ata54 by @bonnjill
- On LinkedIn, don’t spam & don’t send connection requests without some custom text, comment or praise. They’ll ignore you @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @localizing
- LinkedIn: GIVE recommendations before you ASK for them #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- NEVER use a generalized message to invite @LinkedIn #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @AITIespanol
- LinkedIn groups: actively participate, start discussions, share your knowledge #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- @LinguaGreca showing a twestimonial from @InEveryLanguage at #ata54. Just realized how lucky I am to have found such good friends on Twitter by @localizing
- Sharing is caring, offer free help and advice in your tweets @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @ZoyaNayshtut
- Share the love, collect twestimonials, offer free help & advice #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @AITIespanol
- Twitter: keep your tweets interesting & RELEVANT #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- @LinguaGreca Thank you for taking the time to personally give such awesome advice for blogging! #ATA54 by @DeLaCruzTrans
- Blogging: free marketing tool to grow your business. It’s YOU in writing #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- Blogging for clients: write a post about the event you attended and invite the organizers to read it @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @ZoyaNayshtut
- Grow your blog network with guest posts, interviews and presentations @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @ZoyaNayshtut
- Blogging for client attraction: demonstrate your expertise, use testimonials #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- Content marketing: increased visibility, higher trust levels from clients #ata54 @LinguaGreca by @SJ_translations
- Communicating & Listening – key elements of successful use of social media @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @ZoyaNayshtut
- @LinguaGreca at #ata54: spend less time complaining and more time acting during famine periods. Well said. Positive attitude is key. by @language_news
- Time management is key. Prioritize deadlines, marketing, sleep. Leave time for the unexpected. @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @MarcelaJenney
- @LinguaGreca on feast and famine: happens to all of us #xl8 Never stop marketing! #ata54 by @tdtranslations
- Fire a few clients if they ask for discounts, pay late, don’t accept payment terms and communicate poorly. @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @MarcelaJenney
- During feast periods, don’t be afraid to raise your rates, starting with lowest-payers. @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @andrewlevine
- Manage your money. Be the ant, not the grasshopper. @LinguaGreca #ata54 by @MarcelaJenney
- “Spend less time complaining, and more time acting” #marketing tip by @LinguaGreca at #ATA54 by @translationbyme
- @LinguaGreca doing a great job in front of a big group. #ata54 by @JWAlfonso
- Looking forward to @LinguaGreca presentation #ata54. She’s awesome. http://t.co/1Kg0Pjet9A by @MarcelaJenney
- Never bluff about your expertise, you will get caught eventually @ChrisFloros #ata54 by @ZoyaNayshtut
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